Thursday, July 14, 2016

(Not So) Young Lady aka Finding Humor in an Intense Situation

The assisted living center called saying my mom needed to go to ER.  Her symptoms were similar to the ones that sent her to the hospital several weeks before.  Being almost 89 means a lot of trips to doctors and hospitals. The nurses at the center helped me get her into the car but I knew I would need help getting her into the hospital.  I left her in the car and told the receptionist I needed someone to help get her inside. She dialed a number and explained to the nurse that a young lady needed help getting her mother into the building.  I grinned and she winked.  When she hung up I told her, "This young lady turned 60 last week." She smiled saying, "We all need to stick together."  What a nice way to relieve the tension.  As for Mom, an IV bag, medication, and change in medication worked wonders. She was back to the assisted living center in time for bed.

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